Farm Accident Lawyers and WorkCover


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We're Here to Help.

When you’ve been injured, lodging claims and paperwork only makes things worse. At Carbone Lawyers, we manage the whole process so you can just focus on your recovery.

No Win, No Fee

Our no win, no fee policy means that most personal injury claims have no upfront fees.

According to Safe Work Australia, farming and agriculture have the highest rate of workers’ compensation claims of any industry in the nation. From the potential hazard of a tractor to the unpredictability of livestock, farm workers encounter a myriad of risks every day. If you’ve been involved in an accident on or around a farm, our experts in personal injury law are here to help, read on for examples of farm-related accidents and their potential compensation.

Accidents on and off the Farm

Whether it’s a serene morning disrupted by a sudden mishap with a harvester, or a quiet country drive turning perilous with an unexpected cow causing an accident on the road; the spectrum of potential accidents around farming is broad – machinery mishaps, chemical exposures, or even animal confrontations. Each incident brings its own set of challenges and necessitates distinct legal considerations and having a legal team experienced in all areas of workplace personal injury like the experts at Carbone Lawyers can be the difference between an unsuccessful or successful farm injury claim.

Different Types of Farm Injury Claims

The type of claim for a given injury will largely depend on what the injured party was doing at the farm when the accident took place. For full-time, part-time, or even in some instances contractors involved who suffer an injury from their work, their employer must have WorkCover insurance for them. This covers things like weekly or lump sum (in serious cases) payment of compensation for lost wages, ambulance and other transportation costs, medical and rehabilitation costs, and necessary modifications to your home or vehicle to accommodate the injury. Typical injuries and/or accidents on a farm that a WorkCover claim might be suitable for include but aren’t limited to:

  • Falls from height
  • Falling objects causing injury
  • Inhaling or exposure to dangerous chemicals and/or dust
  • Injuries and illnesses from high noise levels
  • Dangerous livestock

Other types of claims that may be necessary in the event of an accident include common law claims against the owner of the farm or another party in the event that their negligence causes you to incur damages or even Transport Accident Commission (TAC) claims if registered vehicles are involved in an accident. If you’ve sustained injuries or other damages from an accident on a farm and aren’t sure what compensation you may be entitled to, start your free claim assessment and let the experts at Carbone Lawyers help you get the compensation you deserve.

How Carbone Lawyers Can Help

Injuries and accidents are stressful enough to worry about without lost earnings or complicated legal proceedings. The compassionate team at Carbone Lawyers have over 30 years of experience in helping people like you get the farm injury compensation they need to focus on recovering after an accident. 

To learn more about claiming under WorkCover or to get your claim started connect with us through the links below, or call us on 1800 369 888. Our ‘No Win, No Fee’ policy ensures that pursuing a farm injury claim is accessible to all, irrespective of financial circumstances. Don’t settle for less, if you require legal advice or feel let down by your current legal representation, the team at Carbone Lawyers is here to help.

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