Can You Get Fired For Getting Hurt At Work?


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When you’ve been injured, lodging claims and paperwork only makes things worse. At Carbone Lawyers, we manage the whole process so you can just focus on your recovery.

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If you have been injured while at work, you may be worried about your job and if you can get fired for getting hurt at work. Below is information on whether you can get fired if you get hurt on the job and if you have been fired, information on whether you can sue your employer for firing you for getting hurt on the job. 

Carbone Lawyers has been delivering great outcomes for clients for over 30 years. Our team of personal injury lawyers is driven to achieve the very best outcomes for our clients. We are experienced in all types of workplace compensation and will ensure we seek what you are entitled to. We pride ourselves on our compassionate, respectful and client-focused approach and have earned a reputation for our relentless pursuit of justice. 

Here is information on your rights when it comes to workplace injuries and if you can get fired, and whether you can sue your employer if you have been fired.

Workplace Injuries, Your Rights And If You Can Get Fired If You Get Hurt On The Job

As an employee, if you have been injured at work there are laws in place that protect you from being fired. Once recovered from your injury, you have the right to return to your former position (regardless of whether that position is full time, part-time or casual). If you cannot return to your pre-injury duties, the employer has an obligation to find an alternative role for you with suitable duties in accordance with your work restrictions (as advised by your doctors). 

In short, your employer is legally obligated to support your return to safe and sustainable work as soon as possible. Other important factors to note are: 

  • You cannot be fired if you make a worker’s compensation claim
  • There are laws in place that require your employer to make reasonable adjustments to hours, equipment and conditions to accommodate a worker’s injury or illness regardless of its cause, nature or permanency
  • Your employer cannot fire you if you aren’t able to do your pre-injury job from when your incapacity began 

Our team of personal injury lawyers will be able to provide you with advice on your rights as an employee and also any compensation you may be entitled to. When you are recovering from an injury, we know it can make a big difference to have peace of mind that you have been given accurate legal information and know what laws are in place to protect you.

Can I Sue My Employer For Firing Me For Getting Hurt On The Job?

There can be many different factors that can determine whether you can sue your employer under these circumstances, however, as stated above, there are laws in place to protect your rights. It is important to get accurate advice so you gain an understanding of your rights, what your options are and the best course of action to take.

Find Out More About Your Rights

Contact us on 1800 369 888 or fill out our online enquiry form to arrange an appointment with one of our personal injury experts. We will be able to provide you with information on your rights, including whether you can get fired if you get hurt on the job or if you can sue your employer for firing you for getting hurt on the job.

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